Where’s YOUR relationship?

Stop and imagine with me for a moment. You are in the church parking lot. Your boys are running around a bit and playing. All of a sudden, you see one of them hit the ground. HARD. You check their head and a big knot has, within a minute, appeared and swollen. It looks all redish and purple, and your little boy’s face is all white.

Can you imagine this to be you? Can you imagine your concern? Your thoughts racing, what should I do? Should I take him to the hospital? All kinds of fears can surface in your mind at this instant.

You know that God answers prayer. So you decide the first thing that should be done is to have prayer. You call a brother over to pray with you for your child.

Stop and think now for a moment. Where’s your relationship with Christ… at this very moment. Do you have the confidence in your walk with the Lord, to pray and have enough faith to believe that God would touch your child and wipe away all fears and worries. Do you have that connection with Him, to know that He longs to help us any time, any where. Or will you have things to make right before you can have confidence in your prayer? Are you walking so close to Him, daily, that it’s not a foreign thing to you to get into His presence and have a serious conference?

You can have that kind of prayer life. You should have that kind of prayer life.

What a friend we have in Jesus.

God Bless,

-Bro Trevor

(P.S. The “heartfelt part” series will continue soon)

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One response to “Where’s YOUR relationship?”

  1. Bro. Trevor,
    What a nice reminder of the kind of relationship we can have with The King of Glory, The Creator, Our Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ! It’s a special place that God has invited us to come to and fellowship with Him – in His presence. It’s an open invitation, to whosoever will, but it has been personalized for us. God invites all, calls many, and chooses few. For the Chosen, we should not neglect to fellowship with Our Lord, as so many of us are guilty of. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that in the hustle-and-bustle of life we are bombarded by so many sounds of the world that we sometimes can’t hear the still small voice of God speaking to us, calling us to fellowship with Him in a higher place. But from time to time we do hear it – Let us not miss those oppertunities! When we hear Him call – may we answer! And the more we do, the closer we get to Him. The closer we get to Him, the more we can hear Him. We have Enoch as an example of someone who walked so close to God that he couldn’t hear the sounds of this world anymore, and just stayed – in His presence! May that be our testimony – that we walked so close to God that we couldn’t hear the noise of the world and just raptured out of this evil age!
    May God Bless You and Yours!

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